Thursday, June 30, 2011
Be Active, It Looks Good On Ya
Be Active,
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Wanna Be My Friend?
Ta ta for now,
Monday, June 27, 2011
No Way! Way! No Way! Way!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
10 Minutes
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Attention to the Sky
If ancient cultures can build things like Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids in honor of the Solstice, then I think we can at least raises our glasses to the sun. So, get outside and enjoy the daylight!
Sunny days,
Monday, June 20, 2011
V - Week One - Blog One

Some believe that organizational efforts, like keeping your desk organized, might...ah, who knows what others believe? I do not know what others believe, do you? That's okay though because others argue...ah, who knows what the others argue, or even who the others are?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
The Desk
Some believe that organizational efforts, like keeping your desk organized, might close off random, unplanned influences and cost valuable time that could be used elsewhere. It shouldn't matter how messy your desk is as long as you can find everything, right? It's easy to locate what you need in a mess as long as it's your mess. Others argue that a messy desk is distracting and what is easy one the eyes is easy on the mind. If everything is put away and organized, you have more usable desk space and won't waste time trying to find things. Put things away as you use them, throw away trash, file important documents etc...
I believe everyone's mind functions differently and there is an optimal level of mess for everything in life. I'm interested in what your thoughts are. Leave me a comment below.
- Shala
Hollywood Bound
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Serves Up!
· Shoes and duct tape: Must wear shoes during the tournament and duct tape to
keep your shoes on your feet during the games.
· Old towels to dry off
· Sunglasses: to keep the mud and sun out your eyes
· Plastic bags to cover your car seats for the ride home and for muddy clothing.
· ID: To purchase alcohol (everyone is carded)
· Lawn chairs and blankets. Something to sit on in between games.
· Sun screen: It will be hot and sunny!
· Tent/Canopy/Umbrella-To provide shade and if you do not mind getting it dirty.
· Old shoes (sandals are not allowed)
· Old clothes (You may want to throw them away after the tournament)
Wish us luck!
Side out,
Monday, June 13, 2011
Camping and Treasure Hunting and Fishing and...
The last weekend of this month, the Old Will gang is going camping. I'm not sure where yet and not even sure who's going yet. But we're going. Luckily we live in Colorado which has some of the best camping to be had. The weather should be nice and warm now, I know it feels like 299.817 degrees Kelvin now, and I'm in an air conditioned office. Anyway some of the best spots I know of to camp in Colorado include Rocky Mountain National Park, Buena Vista, and Grand Lake. Of course there are many more and probably better camping spots. And since we're going camping, you know we'll be doing some fishing. That's a given, but how about some treasure hunting. Colorado is full of tales of treasure. I would tell you about some of the more popular treasure tales that seem to be all over Colorado, but I wouldn't want to give away any of my secret hot spots! Not that you can’t Google it to find out. Well, this camping trip is going down in two weeks so this will be my second to last blog. After that I'll be living the dream.
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
You Have To Go Here!
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Eating Chia Pets?
- The wonder seed contains high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids that are good for the heart.
- They contain dietary fibers that help in cleansing the body and eliminated wastes in a quick way. They also control your appetite and prevent you from eating too much.
- The seeds have loads of vitamins that strengthen the immune system and minerals too for the formation of the muscle and the bones.
- Antioxidants are also present which are responsible for the repair of the tissues and cells in the body. They also slow down the aging process.
Monday, June 06, 2011
The Old Fart
So, a word of warning if you're calling in this week:
You might get me answering your call. I'm not nearly as fast as all these young whippersnappers around here, so if you get somebody who sounds like an old fart, take it easy, because I think a little slow and type even slower.
If you've read Ruben's post from last Friday (the post right before this one... the one with the well thought out title "Blog"), you can just almost tell that he couldn't wait to get out of here. It normally sounds like a herd of elephants around here at quittin' time on Friday anyway, and my guess is Ruben was probably mowing down the slowest ones of the bunch.
Until next time,
Friday, June 03, 2011
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Office Cleaning
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
An Extended Period Of Recreation
Two more days and I am off for an entire week and I can't wait. I have a few fun things planned like...
Visiting The Mile High Market Place. It's Colorado's largest outdoor shopping an entertainment place. You can find anything there if you're willing to look and it's only three dollars to get in. I could spend a whole day just looking at all the different things for sale. Last time I went, I bought a peace lily for 5 bucks! Can't beat that with a stick.
We're also going to try to catch a double feature at the drive-in by our house. I've never been to a drive in theater before...I didn't know they still existed. Should be fun!
The Rocky Mountain Arsenal Wildlife Refuge is supposed to be cool so we might head over there. Heck, we might even take a fishing trip before the week is finished.
All of these things are fun but, I'm looking forward to spending time with my family the most. If you know of any other hot spots we should checkout, let me know!
Gettin' Down and Dirty
2011 Mudapalooza Mud Volleyball Tournament
Now all we need is a few more people and a team name that really sticks!
Until next time,