Some believe that organizational efforts, like keeping your desk organized, might...ah, who knows what others believe? I do not know what others believe, do you? That's okay though because others argue...ah, who knows what the others argue, or even who the others are?
I'll start with a great book written by David H. Freedman and Eric Abrahamson called A Perfect Mess. Now, I have not read this book, I just thinks it's a great book since it preaches my case, a messy desk for a genius mind. And just for giggles, Eric Abrahamson is the Hughie E. Mills Professor of Business and the Faculty Leader, Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Center for Leadership and Ethics, at the Graduate School of Business of Columbia University.
I can come up with a ton of examples of smart folks with messy desks. And one could easily come up with the opposite also. I will simply use one as an example, the owner of the desk in the above image. The great genius, Albert Einstein, is the owner of that desk. It would be interesting to try and claim that his desk distracted him, and wasted his time.
I would absolutely love to go deeper into this, however I am limited by unseen forces. I will however leave you with a great quote by the Nobel Prize winner Albert Einstein:
"If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind, Of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?" - Einstein
I see lots of books and reading materials, but no fast food wrappers and other trash. Hahahaha.