Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Preventing Fall Allergies

Ca-choo! Hi everyone.  Well, I love Fall but my allergies are killing me right now. For about the last 2-3 weeks I've done nothing but sneeze, cough, and blow my nose all day.  Medicine seems to help a little, but not always.  If you're like me here are some helpful tips I found for preventing Fall allergies:

  1. Pay attention to the weather. Warm, windy days tend to have more ragweed pollen in the air, so staying indoors can help you feel better.
  2. Plan outside activities for afternoons, when the pollen and mold spore counts are often lower than any other time of day.
  3. After spending time outside, clean your hair and clothing to wash away any allergens.
  4. Keep your car and house windows closed to prevent allergens from coming in.
  5. Run your air conditioner to help clean the air.
  6. Take allergy medicine preventatively rather than waiting until symptoms start to kick in. If you are looking for drug-free methods - stay away from dairy products and sugar, eat a variety of fruits and veggies, and invest in a saline nasal spray. 
  7. Let someone else handle your yard work since mold can thrive in piles of leaves and can cause you to itch and sneeze.
  8. Stay indoors after your lawn is mowed, since this can stir up allergens in the air.
  9. Remove indoor plants from your home (or at least keep them to a minimum), as the soil can be a breeding ground for mold.
  10. If you must spend time in your yard, wear a mask when pollen and mold spores are out in full force.

Ta ta for now,

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