Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Jury Duty

I had my first experience with jury duty yesterday, and it wasn't pretty.  My civic duty apparently entailed sitting in a room full of really angry people because they all felt their daily lives were being severely interrupted and burdened by this task, while listening to the only other noise in the room - the History Channel (boring!), and starving...starving for any kind of nourishment, but of course the courthouse apparently only takes change and all they have is a vending machine and some 3 day old breakfast burritos.  My experience began with calling the number listed on my summons to find out if I indeed had to report, and if so the logistics of my required duty.    The information was very vague and I don't believe it prepared me for what I was walking into at all.  So, to help all of you who may find yourself in similar shoes ones day here is a list of things I wish I would have known about jury duty:

*Be sure you park in a "public parking" area.  They will ticket you if you are in the wrong spot, even though you have to be there and there may not be any open spots.  With all the power hungry deputies walking around, you're only making it easy for them to slap a ticket on your windshield on the way to their morning coffee and doughnut. 
*Make sure your pockets are empty and have your car keys in hand.  There are going to be lots of people trying to go through security (just like the airport) and the guards are crazy with the metal detectors.  Apparently, they have to SEE your car keys. If you're a girl, they can't just be in your purse that is going to get scanned anyway, I guess that is "unacceptable behavior." 
*Have your summons questionnaire filled out BEFORE you get there.  Otherwise, you will get screamed at by a lady who desperately hates her job.
* Bring Snacks. Any beverages have to be clear and have a cap.  There were no regulations in regards to having Vodka in a water bottle - just sayin'.
* Bring your own magazines, book, or games.  The only ones available in your "juror room" are old (and I mean like two years old) National Geographic and Better Homes and Gardens.   
* Don't forget your cell phone.  You're situation can drastically change at any moment. 
*There is no dress code.  I saw people in suits, dirty smelly sweatpants, and grossly inappropriate t-shirts. Of course some prejudice clothing may help your chances with not being selected, but be mindful of others.   Seriously...nobody wants to smell you all day, or read the shirt you probably made yourself in your basement.  *Attitude check - You WILL have to answer the same question several times.
*If you're into cancer-causing activities, there is a smoking area.
* You can't get out of jury duty.  They mail everyone who doesn't show a warrant. In Colorado it is a $700 fine or 30-60 days in jail. 

Happy summons,

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