Thursday, March 29, 2012

Stray Dog Saves The Day

I just read a story where a woman and her 2 year old son were attacked at knife point by a man as they were leaving a playground. Evidently this stray Pit Bull dog came out of nowhere and began to protect the woman and her son by driving the knife wielding man away with his ferocious growl and showing of his teeth. The dog probably saved their lives. Too often we hear about the negative things with the Pit Bull breed so I figured it would be nice to mention this story showing that Pit Bulls are not all bad.


Where's smokey when you need him?

Well, it looks like Colorado is on fire again. They are currently looking at 15% containment and hoping for more before our upcoming windy weekend. Current speculation states that the fire started as a controlled burn to clear out dry vegetation to never mind.

So far there are 2 confirmed dead, 1 still missing, 27 houses destroyed or damaged, and 900 homes evacuated.

Up to date information can be found at

Here's some good news: Colorado has 1 less Tebow! Yay!


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Exciting Story!

If you follow our blog you know we've got a Tebow fan in our presence.  I couldn't resist this exciting story, it's just so exciting that it really excites me.  With great excitement, I bring you Tim Tebow...somebody please get this guy a thesaurus.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Could you survive?

A cat fell from 19 stories up and lived to meow about it. Here is an article by Miranda Leitsinger

I don't believe a human could survive a fall like that but then again I have heard of people surviving skydiving adventures when their parachute fails to open. So in both cases I believe a lot of luck was at play. For the cat, I would say she only has 8 lives left.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Cleaning

I know everyone is going to think I'm crazy, but I like Spring because I love Spring cleaning!  It's so nice to open up the windows again, freshen up the house, and organize. My favorite part is getting rid of all of those things you know you just don't use anymore.  Earlier this week I took a great big pile of stuff to a local thrift store.  Did you know that many thrift stores such as Goodwill, or the ARC will actually pick items up from your house for free?!  Anyway, I suggest that everyone rolls up their sleeves and does some good ol' Spring cleaning. And, who better for advice on some fancy Spring cleaning tips than Martha Stewart (I'm sure she had the snazziest jail cell those prison guards have ever seen) - ->

Happy cleaning,

Monday, March 19, 2012

5 Years Lost

The Denver Donkeys have just made the biggest mistakes in team history. John "The Tooth" Elway has essentially demolished the Bronco's chances at having a winning season anytime soon. Payton Manning has decided to come to the Broncos on a reported 5 year, $90 million contract. Can the Broncos possibly waste any more cash. There are two scenarios that I'm putting my money on. Both require T² to remain a Bronco. Scenario one, the first throw 30+ yards that Manning attempts in training camp blows his shoulder apart. Thirty six years old and the harsh Not For Long environment has left those poor tendons dry, cracked, and brittle. Scenario two has this coming year turning out just like last year. Manning will start the season with insanely high expectations. Combine the high expectations with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, and we're up a creek. We'll start 1-4 again, then the great fans of Denver will again demand T².
If you were in charge of the Broncos, would you take Manning for Tebow? If you answered that with an affirmative, then I ask you this question. If you were driving a 2012 Bugatti Veyron 16.4, would you trade that in for a 1976 Volkswagen Beetle? Would you also pay $90 million for that old, used, and broken car? I didn't think so.


Friday, March 16, 2012

Wear Green Tomorrow

Be sure to put on something green tomorrow as you'll likely get a pinch if you don't. After all it is St Patrick's Day tomorrow.

Happy St Patrick's Day Folks!


Well, NHRA drag racing is in full swing. And my favorite of all schedules is the Moser Sportsman Shootout. The first race is already finished, but there are still several more to come. Here is the schedule!

03/02/2012 - 03/04/2012Royal Purple Raceway ParkBaytown, Texas
04/20/2012 - 04/22/2012Texas MotorplexEnnis, Texas
06/01/2012 - 06/03/2012No Problem RacewayBelle Rose, La.
06/22/2012 - 06/24/2012Tulsa Raceway ParkTulsa, Okla.
09/14/2012 - 09/16/2012Thunder Valley Raceway ParkNoble, Okla.
10/12/2012 - 10/14/2012Royal Purple Raceway ParkBaytown, Texas

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


The weather this week is wonderful, so I've been outside trying to get the yard ready for Spring planting. Last year we let our backyard get a little out of control, so last night The Toddler* and I did a little weed pulling. The yard near the back of our house wasn't bad, just a few weeds that willingly left the ground with a slight tug. However, the further we ventured from the back door the more dangerous the mission became. I've never seen plants this scary before outside of sci-fi films and deep jungle documentaries. Tall, thick and pointy vegetation that screamed danger lined our fence. Gloves couldn't even keep the thorns out of my hands. Trying to rid our lawn of that forest was bad enough, without discovering the blanket of goat heads covering the back quarter of our yard. Unfortunately, there were a few puncture vines hiding among the tree like weeds and dense trailing plants.

I did a little research and it seems I have three options of getting rid of these spiny little land mines.

1. Spray chemicals containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid ("2,4-D"), glyphosate, and dicamba.
2. Buy two weevils, (Microlarinus lareynii and M. lypriformis) to lay eggs in the noxious weeds.
3. Get after 'em with a blow torch!

Have you had a run in with these annoying little balls of pain? I'd love to know how you got rid of them. I'm thinking we might light up the yard sometime soon. I have a garden to plant!

Have a happy day!

*I didn't actually let The Toddler touch any weeds. They were too scary. She went down her slide and blew bubbles instead.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Top 10 Irish Sayings

In the spirit of St. Patty's Day, here's a list of the top 10 Irish sayings -
1. Éirinn go Brách
Translation: Ireland forever.
Meaning: Ireland forever.

2. Dá fhaid é an lá tiocfaidh an tráthnóna
Translation: No matter how long the day, the evening will come.
Meaning: This too shall pass.

3. Sláinte
Translation: Health.
Meaning: To your health. (Cheers)

4. An té a luíonn le gagharaibh éireoidh le dearnaithibh
Translation: If you lie down with dogs, you'll rise with fleas.
Meaning: You get what you deserve.

5. Giorraíonn beirt bóthar
Translation: Two people shorten the road.
Meaning: It's nice to have company on a journey.

6. Níor bhris focal maith fiacal riamh
Translation: A good word never broke a tooth.
Meaning: A compliment never hurts.

7. Níl aon sean stoca nach bhfaigheann sean bhróg
Translation: There is no old stocking that doesn't find an old boot.
Meaning: Everyone has a soul mate.

8. Ní breac é go mbíonn sé ar an bport
Translation: It isn't a trout until it's on the bank.
Meaning: Beware of claiming premature success.

9. Tá cluasa fada ar mhuca beaga
Translation: Little pigs have big ears.
Meaning: Kids hear more than you think.

10. Is í ding di féin a scoileann an dair
Translation: It is a wedge of itself that splits the oak.
Meaning: Beware of the enemy within.

Read more:


I'm done

with the Denver Broncos IF they get rid of T². After the greatest season comeback in NFL history last year, how could John² even think about giving the boot to T². How could they ditch The One for the has-been. Let's bring in a 35 year old who's arm strength is slightly below that of my two year old. If we take Manning we might have a couple of good seasons, however, T² will jump ship. Then in two to three years we'll be right back here with no QB. If we keep T², we'll have a couple of years of mediocre play followed by a decade of domination. Wheel Manning to the nursing home where he belongs.


Thursday, March 08, 2012

Where Is The Loyalty?

He was arguably the greatest employee ever in his field of work. He has brought the company millions of dollars that allowed a new building to be built that without him they wouldn't have. For the last 14 years he has made his employer relevant again and for his effort he was told recently by his employer that they are going to bring in a new younger guy that may or may not be good enough to take his place and he would need to find a new job. His name is Peyton Manning and he is now jobless. So where is the loyalty to a guy that gave 14 great years to his employer? Luckily for Peyton he will find work quickly. Too bad for the rest of us who ask the question where is the loyalty?


Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Hey There's a Frozen Dead Guy - Let's Celebrate

Colorado has a lot of great festivals, but Frozen Dead Guy Days is by far the strangest.  FDGD takes place every year in Nederland, CO the first week of March.  The festival honors Bredo Morstoel's frozen corpse that now lies, packed in dry ice, in a Tuff Shed in the hills of Nederland. When Morstoel died in 1989 of a heart condition, his family decided to freeze their beloved grandpa to preserve his body in hopes that new technology would be developed and one day he could be thawed and brought back to life.  So, what's on the agenda for FDGD? Here's some of the fun activities you can participate in:

*Frozen Turkey Bowling
*Coffin Races
*Brain Freeze Contest
*Frozen Salmon Toss
*Snow Beach Volleyball
*Polar Plunge
*Parade of Hearses
*Ice Break Dancing

Wanna see the festival in action?  Here's a great video, or visit

Stay Warm,

Friday, March 02, 2012

Tornado Watch

The days are about to get longer and warmer which means it will soon be Tornado season. Tornado season has actually started early with several outbreaks across the USA. Currently there are tornados in the south and midwest parts of the country. Hopefully everyone will be safe and the destruction will be minimal. Believe it or not there are actually people who look forward to Tornado season so they can chase them. Hopefully you are not one of them and instead of chasing Tornados you seek shelter when a Tornado watch is issued.

Stay Safe