The Denver Donkeys have just made the biggest mistakes in team history. John "The Tooth" Elway has essentially demolished the Bronco's chances at having a winning season anytime soon. Payton Manning has decided to come to the Broncos on a reported 5 year, $90 million contract. Can the Broncos possibly waste any more cash. There are two scenarios that I'm putting my money on. Both require T² to remain a Bronco. Scenario one, the first throw 30+ yards that Manning attempts in training camp blows his shoulder apart. Thirty six years old and the harsh Not For Long environment has left those poor tendons dry, cracked, and brittle. Scenario two has this coming year turning out just like last year. Manning will start the season with insanely high expectations. Combine the high expectations with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, and we're up a creek. We'll start 1-4 again, then the great fans of Denver will again demand T².
If you were in charge of the Broncos, would you take Manning for Tebow? If you answered that with an affirmative, then I ask you this question. If you were driving a 2012 Bugatti Veyron 16.4, would you trade that in for a 1976 Volkswagen Beetle? Would you also pay $90 million for that old, used, and broken car? I didn't think so.
I'd take a Volkswagen with some sand tires on it for dune running. Veyron can't even drive over a speed bump.