So, I've been trying to get a garden planted for a while now and finally got around to getting the frame built over the weekend, (actually, Ruben was nice enough to build the frame for me with his fancy tools. It looks so nice!). I bought the materials a few weeks ago to build a 4' x 4' raised garden, but when I got everything home I realized that it wouldn't be big enough. After some thought, Ruben and I decided to put the garden in the corner of the yard and use the fence as two of the four walls instead of cutting the two 8 foot boards in half. Yippee, we now have an 8' x 8' garden. So close to planting!
I finished leveling the rocks in the bottom of the bed pretty quick. After that I mixed the sand, soil and compost so the bed would drain well. I'm pretty exited by this point because I'm just minutes away from planting all of my fruits and veggies. I start to pour the soil mixture into the bed snap!
Remember how I bought enough materials to make a 4' x 4' garden? Well, that included the soil. Once we made it an 8' x 8' garden instead of needing 16 cubic feet of soil, we now need 64 cubic feet of soil. Darn, darn, darn. Guess planting will have to wait until payday.
At least it's a short week!
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