Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Surprisingly, It Gets Easier

This week I started riding my bike to work instead of taking our car. I made this decision for a few reasons. Not only does it save money, but also wear and tear on the car. It's 40 minutes less of car pollution a day, GREAT exercise and I don't feel as stressed out or tired when I get to work (I hate Colorado traffic).

Monday, on my way to the Old Will Knott warehouse, I thought I was never going to make it. I was so tired, my legs were on fire and I was sucking in wind like the World was running out. There were hills I had to zig-zag up, I stopped what seemed like a hundred times and I stayed in the lowest gear pretty much the entire time. Oh, and I got passed by another bike.

Yesterday was a bit better. I made it up hills without crying (I never really cried, just wanted to :D), I was able to stay in second gear for most of the trip and I got to work a little bit earlier.

Today was great. I left my house the same time as Monday and Tuesday and got to the warehouse 10 minutes sooner. 10 minutes doesn't seem like much, but it's a crazy difference. I was able to power through most of the inclines though, I admit, there's still one that kills me. I even hit third gear a few times.

My point is, it's crazy how fast your body adjusts to exercise. I did my test run a few Saturdays back to see if I could actually make it 7.5 miles and it was so hard. Now, it's no big deal.

So, if you're just starting to exercise and you feel like it's too hard, keep going! It gets easier!


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