Thursday, February 21, 2013

Winter Blues

Happy snowy day folks!
It’s been snowing since last night, and I am sick and tired of winter. Don’t get me wrong, I like snow. I think it can be peaceful, beautiful, and fun for boarding, and other outdoor activities, but it should also fall only on Christmas, and days we don’t have to work. The ability for me to like snow goes right out the window when I get up in the morning to realize a powdery white substance has covered the ground overnight. That means leaving earlier, and the dislike further continues when I realize that even though I have a garage, I will still need to scrape my car, because our garage is so full of junk I can’t fit my car in it. The dislike continues even more as I slide around a corner and begin a slow crawling move of trying to get to my destination.  My dislike does not matter, winter will be over soon enough, and I am happier to live in a state with 4 true seasons. At least while I’m in my winter blues, I will continue to make plans for a productive and enjoyable summer.  
My Plans this summer:
1. Fixing up our yard
2. Going to the reservoir for swimming, jet skiing, and relaxing in the sun.
3. Planting a garden (which I am going to start now)
4. Working out
5. Playing ultimate Frisbee, and Frisbee golf
6. Sitting on my back porch and grilling as often as possible!
7. Traveling to my cousins wedding and seeing NYC.
8. Having bonfires
9. Oh yes, and of course traveling to work, quickly, happily, warm and dry.
I can’t wait for summer! Can you?

Have a great day!


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