Tuesday, May 25, 2010

#1 Rated Bathroom Scale

One of the top consumer products ratings companies, whose name I can't use any more because their lawyers didn't like me using their name, rated the Taylor 7506 their #1 bathroom scale. I really don't know how many bathroom scale models there are in this world, but I do know there's just thousands of them. So for that "consumer products ratings company" to name the Taylor 7506 the number one scale, it's gotta be one heck of a scale. We're one of the biggest Taylor retailers in the USofA, so we already knew that Taylor makes some real reliable bathroom scales, and some real nice kitchen scales, too. But to be top rated, out of all those thousands of bathroom scales? Well, that really takes the cake!
The 7506 got that "consumer products ratings company's" top marks for both accuracy and consistency. I'll tell ya, from years of experience in peddling weight scales, it's that consistency that ya should be looking for in a bathroom scale.
If ya call our support guys when you're in the market for a new bathroom scale, they'll tell ya that whatever scale we sell ya, whether it's a simple 25 dollar scale or a 300 dollar medical scale, that it's probably not gonna give ya the same weight as your doctor's scale, or your momma's scale, or your neighbor's scale. What you're looking for is a scale that gives a consistent reading. I weigh myself in my skivvies, at the same point in the morning (after showering, before eating), every day. If ya do that, and ya have a nice bathroom scale (like this Taylor 7506, for instance), you'll know you're getting a good read on your weight, and you'll have a real good idea of how that newfangled diet or workout regimen is working for ya.

Until next time,

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