Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Change Is A Good Thing

I've been working for Old Will for just over four years now and I gotta say, our company is always changing and improving. When I started, our website looked like this:

Since then, our Homepage has undergone several makeovers, product ads have been redesigned, TONS of products have been added to our inventory, we've signed up for social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, designed a spiffy logo, rewritten all of our code to comply with the ever changing markup rules...we've even moved our entire company from small town Enid, Oklahoma to just outside of Denver, Colorado. So many good changes have happened in the short time I've been here and one thing I can be sure of, our company will never grow stagnant.




  1. The new website looks great! :) I bought an Ultraship 75 from you 5 years ago and it still works great. I use it all the time!! Would definitely recommend you to others!

  2. Thanks Monica! I'm very glad you like our site and even more glad you like your UltraShip! Thanks for checking out our blog :)

    - Shala
