Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Take the Challenge

We've all heard the sayings - "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all," "Don't complain because you don't have. Enjoy what you've got," or "Stuff happens." But really, who doesn't complain once and awhile?  I come from a generally negative background.  If there was an award for criticism, believe me my relatives would be consecutive winners.  If it rained on a family vacation, it wasn't because of high/low pressure systems moving in, it was because we were doomed with bad luck. So, I guess you could say a little of their attitude rubbed off on me at times.  Recently, one of my friends suggested I read The No Complaining Rule by Jon Gordon.  Now, I'm not one for cheesy motivational books, but surprisingly so far so good.  The message of the book is simple, stop complaining and do something about it or don't let your griping have an effect on your day.  I still do my fair share of moaning and groaning, but I think there's definitely something to be said about not letting things get to you.  So, take The No Complaining Rule challenge and try to go one day without complaining and see how you feel, after all Tuesday is way too early in the week to be wearing your crabby pants!



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