Friday, March 08, 2013

Cards Against Humanity

Happy Friday All!

TGIF.  This weekend most of us in Denver are likely going to be snowed in. So, what's better when you're snowed in than a hilarious game with your friends?   My friends and I love to get together and have game nights.  Why?

1. It's cheap entertainment.
2. It's hilarious
3. You can actually hear each other and communicate/catch up.  (The opposite of being at a bar)
4. Sometimes you just feel like lookin' a mess and not being in public
5. It's cheap entertainment.

I am very excited for tonight because my friend just got the hugely popular game - Cards Against Humanity
So what is it?  It's basically identical to "Apples to Apples" if you've ever played that game.  The rules are simple...seriously simple.  There is a black stack of cards with questions, that stack stays in the center.  Then everyone is dealt a handful of white cards which contain answers.  One person flips over a question card and everyone throws in their answer.  The person asking the question gets to decide who's answer was the best.  Then you do it all over again!  Cards Against Humanity is the more hilarious version of Apples to Apples.  Need an Example?  Here are some sample questions and answers from the game (at random, and in no particular order), enjoy! -

Q. What do old people smell like?
Q. But, before I kill you, Mr. Bond, I must show you _____?
Q. Daddy, why is Mommy crying?
Q. Lifetime presents ______, the story of _____?
Q. What is Batman's guilty pleasure?

A. Morgan Freeman's voice.
A. A hot mess.
A. The Hamburglar.
A. A gassy antelope.
A. Actually taking candy from a baby.

I highly suggest letting your creativity and hilariousness run wild with this game.  What else is there to do on a snowy day?


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