Thursday, March 07, 2013

Getting Older

Things I am beginning to understand with Age
1.       Why my mother didn’t always want to have people over to the house.
A.    You   have to clean.
B.     You have to cook.
C.      You must put on “real” clothes.
2.       Why “older” people are always sticklers about how much food everyone is eating, leaving on lights, and the heat being left on high.
A.      Our Excel bill last month was 333.00.
B.      I go to the grocery store at least once a week, sometimes 2x, and we never have enough Milk.
3.       Metabolism
A.      I used to eat whatever I wanted and never gained any weight. I now work at a scale company, and while weighing myself the other day, discovered I have gained 10 lbs. in the last year!
4.       Sleep
A.      I used to be able to stay out all night long.
B.      I now get tired at 9 PM
C.      I can’t sleep past 10 AM no matter how hard I try.

I suspect this is only the beginning of things to come: bad eyesight, watching the evening news, and kids, although I hope not. To my dismay, I’m getting older and acting more and more like my parents each day. I am in bed by 10 on most nights, worry about bills, go grocery shopping, make dinner, and get regular oil changes. I even discovered my first grey hair the other day! I suppose that responsibility, wisdom, and tiredness comes with age to some extent, but I still intend to try and stay as young as possible in all the good ways for as long as possible.  Cheers to being young! Happy Thursday! 

Jamie :)

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