The time has come once again for family vacation. At the end of the week I'll be heading home for our yearly family trip to Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri. I haven't been able to go the past few years due to relocating and changing jobs, but it's finally time and I couldn't be more excited. Boating is a cherished past time for me, and I have been involved in water sports since I was a kid. But, although there's tons of outdoor activities in Colorado, a good lake is pretty darn hard to come by around here. Lake of the Ozarks is the ultimate of reservoir, with a surface area of 55,000 acres and 1,150 miles of shoreline. The largest arm of the lake stretches over 92 miles from end to end. Everything there is to do we get to by boat, from miniature golf to dining out. And I don't know if any of you have heard of a little place called "Party Cove", but it was coined by the Lake of the Ozarks and although it's not a must-do item on the list this year, it's always a fun experience to tie up next to some folks you don't know and float for a day. I'm especially looking forward to water skiing, a concert at The Horney Toad (one of the lake's most popular bars), and teasing my now pregnant sister-in-law as she won't be able to take part in most of the game nights.

Catch ya on the flipside,
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