Thursday, July 07, 2011

Future pets

I've been thinking about getting a pet of some kind. I'd like to get a good dog like a lab or an English Springer, or pretty much any full size dog that could sniff out some birds when I feel like hunting. But I think for now I'm going to get something low maintenance. I used to have a ball python and would love to get another snake because they're so easy to care for and make great pets. But I do believe that if I came home with one, the snake and I would have to find somewhere else to live. I think for now I've decided on a (or several) green anoles.

At a previous job, my duties were to take care of animals and on the list of pets I handled on a daily basis were snakes, tarantulas, scorpions, a hedgehog, ferrets, red eared sliders (turtles), hamsters, and some anoles just to name a few.
Anoles make very little mess, so their vivarium stays pretty clean. And as long as you have the right setup, then you just have to clean when necessary. We always gave them water out of a small dish and they did fine, although most people say they won't drink like that, and to keep some plants in the tank and mist them with water twice a day. We'll see how it goes.


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