Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Last month Ruben's sister flew to Oklahoma from Japan to visit, so we took a mini vacation to go see her and her family. The weather was warm and sunny all month until we get there. Two of the three days we were there were cold and rainy. I wasn't too surprised, after all, it is Oklahoma. The same Oklahoma that is famous for weather that has your heater and air conditioner on in the same day, but I was still a little disappointed that we didn't get a break from the cold.

This Saturday Ruben, The Toddler and I are leaving for Arkansas to spend a week with my family. The weather in Arkansas has been gorgeous since February, so we're excited to enjoy the week outside swimming and just relaxing...were excited. Yesterday we took a look at the weather and found out it's not only going to be cold, but there are also going to be severe storms the whole way there and throughout the week. *WellThat'sFantastic. What was planned as a 14 hour Saturday drive is now looking like a weekend long venture through rain, hail, wind and possibly some naders. Good thing we're getting new tires! I know it's probably a coincidence and I'm sure the fact that it's Spring adds to the chances, but I'm starting to feel like I have some badweathervacation mojo or something.

We're still super excited to see my family, so the trip will be worth it, but if you don't see me or Ruben on the blog anymore it's probably because we got blown off a mountain somewhere.

Happy Spring!

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