Wednesday, August 29, 2012

So Long Summer

September is right around the corner, and although it's still hot, I can feel Summer slipping away. The days are getting noticeably shorter, kids are back in school and stores already have their Halloween decorations for sale.

Summer is, by far, my favorite season. It's not that I hate the cold, it's just that the rest of the year isn't as awesome. I'm powered by the Sun, and the short days and cloudy skies of winter just really stink.

Instead of sulking about the upcoming months, I'm going to list some things I'm looking forward to.

Halloween - I love decorating and handing out toys to all of the cute kids in our neighborhood.

Fashion - As much as I hate Fall and Winter, I really love the clothes and accessories. Layering is the best and I have a closet full of scarves!

Thanksgiving - Who doesn't love eating until they can't move?

Snow Ball Fights - The Toddler is old enough to pummel with snow this year. Should be pretty awesome.

Soups and Stews - A big steamy bowl of goodness just isn't the same when it's hot outside.

Christmas - My family is driving over from Arkansas to spend Christmas* with us this year! *Actually, they're spending the week before Christmas with us, but it's still the same level of awesomeness.

Hot Chocolate - Best drink ever invented.

New Years - Last year we celebrated New Years in Central time because we're old people and can't make it to midnight. This year will be awesome...maybe.

Snugly Pajamas and House Shoes - Yes, house shoes. Not "slippers"...Allison.

Super Bowl - I will admit, I don't really enjoy football, but I DO love Super Bowl snacks =D

Seed Starting - Some veggies just do better when you start their seeds indoors. Hopefully I'll have a garden full of veggies next year. I just need to learn how to can.

What are you looking forward to in the upcoming seasons?


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