Monday, December 19, 2011

What a week!

So this last week has been quite the news maker. Most of the news goes unrecognized as news and is soon forgotten. Let's start with The One, better known as Tim Tebow. It was widely reported that the Broncos lost against the Patriots. While the Broncos may have lost, we all know that Tebow won! Kim Jong Il, the leader of North Korea, died on Saturday. In an amazing feat of secrecy the world did not know of the death until Monday. With the technology available today I'm amazed North Korea could keep the death a secret for two days. It shows how reclusive North Korea is and who knows what remains ahead for that country? I think the biggest piece of news from the last week was that there was a Chinese aircraft carrier rowing about the Yellow Sea. This is definitely something to keep an eye on in 2012. While a lot of countries are worried about this naval addition, it is still not an operational carrier. It will be at least two years before they will be able to launch and recover aircraft from the carrier. So it's really freaky, and then it really isn't. Read up on the death of the North Korean leader and on the Chinese aircraft carrier, those two stories will be game changers for the world.


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