Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Scales & More Scales

We were having a discussion the other day about how we should title our products on our Website. Right now, we have the manufacturer and the product name. My Weigh UltraShip 35 for example. We threw around the idea of adding additional info to the titles like kitchen scale and postal scale; you know, words that describe what kind of scale it is. So instead of My Weigh UltraShip 35 we'd put My Weigh UltraShip 35 Shipping Scale. Great idea, right? Wrong. The problem we ran into is that almost every scale can be used in more than one application. For example, a kitchen scale can also be used as a postal scale, a soap making scale, a small pet scale and much more. We're worried that if we name something a shipping scale it will take away from all other uses. Since this subject comes up often, I try to make it known to as many people I can. What better way to let you guys know about scales than on our scale blog? I know, pretty smart. Soooo, let’s begin…

Let’s say you’re looking for a scale to weigh your dog. You come across a scale that is the perfect size, has just enough capacity and the best resolution but, it’s labeled as a baby scale. What do you do? Get it, of course! You’ve found a scale that will do everything you need. There is no reason to pass it up because of its name. Sure it’s labeled a baby scale but, that’s just because the manufacturer picked that name.

Example number two. You need two scales, one to weigh out ingredients for your soap recipe and another to weigh small packages to send to your granny in West Virginia. You only really have room for one scale so…You find a scale that will measure down to 0.1 ounce and up to however many pounds you need. Who cares if it’s called a shipping scale? You can use it to weigh your ingredients and your goodies.

The point I’m trying to make is, just because a scale is named one thing, it doesn’t mean you can’t use it for another. Here is an article with a little more info for finding a scale for your needs: How To Find The Right Digital Scale.



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