Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Attention to the Sky

           In just a few short minutes, it will officially be Summer Solstice....who cares, right? Other then the fact that it's the first day of Summer, and the longest day of the year, nobody really celebrates the Solstice.  Well I say, why the heck not?  We celebrate a whole lot of things less important than the rotation of the Earth...I mean, it's kind of a big deal.  "The summer solstice is a result of the Earth's north-south axis being tilted 23.4 degrees relative to the sun. The tilt causes different amounts of sunlight to reach different regions of the planet. Today the North Pole is tipped more toward the sun than on any other day of 2011. The opposite holds true for the Southern Hemisphere, where today is the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year.  As a result, at high noon on the first day of summer, the sun appears at its highest point in the sky—its most directly overhead position—in the Northern Hemisphere."
          If ancient cultures can build things like Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids in honor of the Solstice, then I think we can at least raises our glasses to the sun.  So, get outside and enjoy the daylight!

Sunny days,

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